About Cobham Chiropractic Team
Get to Know Us

Podcast Interview with Toby
Click the image below to listen to Toby on this episode of ‘One Size Does Not Fit All’!
I’m Charlie, and I too am passionate about natural health and living, and love to share my knowledge of Essential Oils, supplements and lifestyle tips. I offer a FREE 1-1 wellbeing consult (in person or on Zoom), where we can find solutions to help support your healing journey. I also teach Pilates, working 1-1 with clients on the Reformer and mat in the Cobham Chiropractic studio. I was a sprinter in my youth and still maintain my regular gym workouts to this day. I am interested in getting the best out of myself, and I love to inspire others to do so too. You deserve to live your life at your best!
Meet Us Today
Thank you for visiting our site. We look forward to meeting you in person and learning how we may be of service to you. Contact Cobham Chiropractic to arrange an appointment.